One Tip to Teach You How to Look Up SOC Code
The website everyone needs to use is the O*NET website. We need to open a browser and enter "" Once opened, you will see a search bar in the top-right corner of the website.
If your job title is, for example, financial-related, you can first type a related financial term. At this point, the website will list all SOC Codes related to financial terms within the options.
Today, let's use financial investment analyst as an example. When selecting a SOC Code, there are many industries, and there are also many job options. However, how USCIS determines whether your SOC Code is correct mainly depends on whether your job duties align with the tasks outlined under the SOC Code.
For financial investment analysts, you can see there are many tasks listed. If you are in this industry, you can read through to see if your job position and job duties are aligned with the tasks here. If they are relevant, you can scroll down to the Job Zone section, which is under the Experience Requirement Section.
For Job Zone, we generally recommend choosing Job Zone 4 or Job Zone 5. Titles below Job Zone 3 are likely to be rejected, so we don’t recommend choosing these titles. For example, Carpenter (woodworker) is a Job Zone 2 title.
Another important thing to note is that some titles that were Job Zone 4 in previous years might become Job Zone 3 in a new year when the website updates. So, no matter when you submit your case, you need to revisit the website to reconfirm the Job Zone of your title.
Titles under Job Zone 4 and above are generally fine. If you return to the homepage, you will find a section in the bottom right called "Find Occupations." If searching for titles feels complicated, you can directly filter for Job Zone 4 or Job Zone 5 and select your title from the SOC Codes listed under these zones.
That’s all for today. Follow Zeng Law Group, PLLC, for insights to help you move forward!
如果说你的title,比如说是financial相关的,你可以先打一个financial的相关词。这个时候,网站上面就会把所有和financial相关的SOC Code都列举出来并在选择项内。
我们今天就拿financial investment analyst来作为例子。当我们选择SOC Code的时候,行业有很多,职位的选择性也有很多。但是移民局如何来决定你的SOC Code是否正确,主要是看你的工作职责和这个SOC Code给出的task是否相关。
大家可以看到,financial investment analysts这个项下有很多task。如果你是做相应行业的人,可以读一下你的工作职位和工作的职责是否和这些任务相关。如果相关的话,我们可以再往下走,有一个Job Zone,就是experience requirement这个section。
Job Zone我们一般会建议选择Job Zone 4和Job Zone 5的。Job Zone 3以下的这些titles比较容易被拒,所以我们不建议大家选择Job Zone 3以下的title,比如Carpenter(木匠),这是一个Job Zone 2的title。
另外需要注意的是,有些title可能往年是Job Zone 4,但在新的一年,比如网站更新后,可能变成Job Zone 3。所以无论大家什么时候递交案子,一定要回到网站里再核对一下你的title对应的Job Zone。
Job Zone 4以上的title是没有问题的。如果大家回到首页,可以看到右下方有一个叫Find Occupations的section。如果觉得找title很麻烦,可以通过Job Zone 4或Job Zone 5直接筛选,再从这些Job Zone 4和Job Zone 5给出的SOC Codes中选择你的title。
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