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Zeng Law Group, PLLC

Has the difficulty of PERM applications been increasing?

Why does every green card case, especially PERM cases, take so long to communicate recently?

As we all know, there are many posts circulating about how the difficulty of PERM is increasing. Therefore, how we set the strategy for each PERM case, what experience requirements there are, and what responsibilities are needed, are all incredibly important. Since October of last year, for every case, I personally spend at least two or three hours, often more, communicating with clients multiple times to establish a PERM strategy. This afternoon, for example, there are three cases where we need to discuss strategy, so I will be communicating extensively with clients! We'll discuss what the duties are, what the requirements are, and this will probably take about six hours.

What do you think is the general direction of PERM in the future?

My thought is this: First of all, every case needs to be treated very seriously, especially in the current environment, where you might receive a lot of resumes. So, designing the duties and requirements becomes very important, and every case needs to be carefully handled. Secondly, during the recruitment phase, the employer must also take it very seriously. Of course, we have already informed the employer in advance that they might receive resumes and need to cooperate with interviews, prepare all the materials, and keep detailed records. They need to work closely with us. We've already warned the employers about this, but ideally, there won't be too many resumes after the ads go live.

What is your view on the future direction of PERM?

First of all, PERM is still a mainstream way to obtain a green card. The increasing difficulty won’t reduce the number of cases. It's still a very common pathway. But as a law firm, we need to be very meticulous in designing the duties and requirements from the start. The lawyer needs to spend a lot of time communicating with the employer. Then, during the recruitment phase, we need to inform the employer in advance that they may receive resumes and will need to cooperate in the hiring process and keep records of why certain candidates were not qualified. If a suitable candidate is actually hired, the PERM process must be paused. Employers need to be warned about this. Finally, throughout the recruitment process, the law firm and the employer need to communicate closely. Every immigration visa has its ups and downs—some years it’s easier, and in other years it gets tougher. The lawyer’s role is to adjust strategies accordingly and better serve each case.

What has been the most memorable thing in the PERM cases you've handled so far?

Recently, we had a case where we first communicated the duty and requirements with the employer, and they provided a lot of feedback, so we made several revisions. After making the changes, our documentation team did some proofreading on the requirements. Once it was completed, we moved forward with the PWD (Prevailing Wage Determination). However, after sending it to the employer, we found out that the HR person had changed. The previous decision-maker had left the company, and a new HR person had taken over. This new HR was completely unfamiliar with the PERM process, so we had to spend more time explaining why we were doing things a certain way and the reasoning behind it. After understanding the situation, the new HR consulted with their upper management and requested more changes. We then had to make those changes back and forth according to their new requirements. By the time the case was finally submitted, several months had already passed. This was the most memorable case for me this year. Due to leadership changes at the company, our strategy had to be revised repeatedly, but in the end, we successfully submitted the case.

That’s all for today’s sharing. Lastly, I wish all our PERM cases a smooth approval!



大家都知道现在很多帖子都在说 Perm的难度越来越大了,所以就是 Perm的策略怎么定,每一个案子,它有什么样的经验的要求,什么样的职责的要求,都非常的重要。所以,我们从去年10月开始,每一个案子,我本人都会花大概至少要两三个小时,多次跟客户沟通来做这个Perm的策略。今天下午就是有三个案子需要进行策略,所以要跟客户做各种的沟通!它的duty是怎么样的,它的requirement是什么样的,所以大概就要花六个小时进行。




首先, Perm还是一个非常主流的获得绿卡的途径,它不会因为难度的增加案件量就减少。它还是一个非常常见的一个途径。但是作为律所而言,从前期duty requirement上面就需要非常用心的去设计,律师需要花大量的时间去跟雇主做沟通,然后就是在招聘环节要提前跟雇主说你有可能会收到简历,需要配合去招聘,然后去记录下来。为什么这个人不合格,如果是真的招到合格的这个申请人,这个Perm要暂停。就这个预防针一定要打给雇主,雇主要知道这件事情。最后,就是整个招聘环节律所和这个雇主的话呢都要密切的来做沟通吧;当然,每个移民签证他都有这样一个情况,有可能几年是好的一个情况,几年他的情况就比较严峻,所以律师的角色就是把工作向调整战略了,然后更好地去服务于这个案子;


我们最近有一个案子,是我们首先跟雇主沟通了duty requirement,然后他就提供了很多的意见,所以我们进行了很多的一个修改,修改完了之后,我们的文书团队又把这个requirement做了一些proreading;完成之后,我们就去做PWD了,做完了之后发给雇主的时候发现HR换掉了,替代之前做决定的这个人不在了,他已经离职了,又来这个新的HR。新的HR呢,又对于 Perm是完全不了解的,那我们又开始花时间去告他为什么要这样做,这是一个什么样一个情况。那么新的HR知道之后,他又去请示上级又来做修改,然后我们又来来回回按照他的要求又做修改,所以就整个案子我觉得就是来来回回,就交上去的时候差不多都是好几个月之后的事情了,这个是我今年印象最深刻的一个案子了,就是因为公司的领导层的变化导致了我们的策略是一改再改一改再改,然后最后的话,我们终于交上去了就是这样一个情况,




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