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上干货!H-1B Specialty Occupation RFE补件,如何证明雇佣历史?

Zeng Law Group, PLLC

今天给大家带来一个H-1B成功案例分享。这个客户的初始H-1B是通过其他律所提交的。在遭遇移民局的 specialty occupation 补件之后,客户积极联系到了我们律所。与律师通话后,客户果断决定更换律师,通过我们律所提交了RFE的response package。





我们整理并完善了客户的response package,并提交给了移民局。在移民局收到材料后的一个星期内,我们便收到了获批的好消息。


Today, we bring you a successful H-1B case. This client’s initial H-1B was filed through another law firm. After receiving an RFE Notice about specialty occupation from USCIS, the client proactively reached out to our law firm. After consulting with our attorney, the client decisively chose to switch to our law firm and submit an RFE response package through us.

We evaluated the company and the employee’s circumstances and identified the strongest angle for the case—to prove the employer’s requirement for a bachelor’s degree or higher for this specific position. The employee benefited from the right timing, place, and support.

Firstly, the company had been established for a while, so we found five employees in similar positions who met the qualification requirements.

Secondly, the company was not very large. If it were a larger company with hundreds or thousands of employees in similar positions, collecting evidence would have been more challenging.

Lastly, the HR team and all colleagues were very cooperative, enabling us to gather all degree-related evidence in a short time.

We prepared and finalized the client’s response package and submitted it to USCIS. Within a week of USCIS receiving the package, we received the good news of approval.

This concludes today’s case sharing. Follow ZLG Consulting for insights to help you move forward.


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