一个冰箱等于 5,000 美元的过户折扣!
大家好,我是律所负责地产的同事。先给大家介绍一下,我们是怎么为客户争取到 5,000 块钱的过户折扣。
买方和卖方各支付新冰箱价格的 50%。
经过商议后,我们最终决定向卖方提出直接减免 5,000 美元作为冰箱折扣。这样做的原因主要有以下几点:
冰箱已经使用了 17 年,市场上很难找到合适的型号替换。
Hello everyone, I am a colleague at the law firm responsible for real estate. Let me first introduce how we managed to negotiate a $5,000 closing discount for our client.
We had a case with an urgent closing deadline. The day before the closing, during the final walkthrough by the buyer’s agent, it was discovered that the refrigerator was not working. So, we informed the seller that we needed to terminate the closing and resolve the refrigerator issue first. Then, we offered the seller two proposals.
The first proposal was that the buyer and seller would each pay 50% of the cost of a new refrigerator. The second was to put half the cost of the refrigerator into the seller’s attorney’s escrow account. If the refrigerator was fixed within a month, the money would go to the seller. If not, the money would go to the buyer.
Finally, after discussions, we decided to ask the seller for a $5,000 refrigerator discount. One reason was that the refrigerator was already 17 years old, and it did not have a suitable model available. Another reason was that it had already been repaired many times, and in case it broke down again, it might still not be fixable, and the buyer would have to buy a new refrigerator anyway. Therefore, we requested a $5,000 refrigerator discount from the seller. The seller agreed in the end, and we successfully closed the transaction.
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