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Zeng Law Group, PLLC



近三年的Form 1040,并附上所有相关的W-2和1099表格。

直接提供IRS的报税记录(Tax Return Transcripts)。

我们强烈建议大家提交IRS的Tax Return Transcripts。为什么说IRS的Tax Return Transcripts优于Form 1040和相关的W-2与1099呢?原因有三点:

第一,Form 1040相对繁琐复杂。如果担保人名下有生意或股票投资,每年的报税文件可能有几百页。这无形中会增加移民官的工作量,从而可能影响绿卡审批的速度。

第二,Form 1040包含的信息量很大。移民官可能因为看不懂报税表或无法找到相关信息,而误以为税表提交不完整,从而发出补件通知。这也会大大延迟绿卡的审批速度。

第三,IRS的Tax Return Transcripts具有简洁明了的优势,移民官可以很清楚地找到例如总收入(total income)等关键信息。

在视频的最后,我们将教大家如何在IRS官网上下载Tax Return Transcripts。请查看我手边的链接(。

登录该链接后,选择“Sign into your online account”,然后点击“Create an account”来创建账户。创建好账户后,就可以下载相应的Tax Return Transcripts了。


Hello everyone!

In family-based green card applications, there is an important document required, which is the sponsor's tax return for the past three years. The sponsor can choose one of the following two types of tax return documents to submit:

The past three years of Form 1040, along with all relevant W-2s and 1099s.

The IRS Tax Return Transcripts.

We strongly recommend submitting the IRS Tax Return Transcripts. Why are IRS Tax Return Transcripts better than Form 1040 and the related W-2s and 1099s? Here are three reasons:

First, Form 1040 is relatively complicated. If it involves personal businesses or stock investments, the tax return form for each year could be hundreds of pages. This would unintentionally increase the immigration officer's workload, potentially affecting the green card approval processing speed.

Second, Form 1040 contains a lot of information. The immigration officer might not understand the tax return or fail to find the relevant information, leading them to mistakenly think the tax return is incomplete and issue a Request for Evidence (RFE) notice. This would also significantly delay the green card processing.

Third, the IRS Tax Return Transcripts have the advantage of being concise and clear, allowing the immigration officer to easily find critical information, such as total income.

At the end of this video, we’ll also guide you on how to download the Tax Return Transcripts from the IRS website. Please check the link I have here: (

After logging in from this link, select "Sign into your online account," then click "Create an account." Once you have created your account, you can download the Tax Return Transcripts accordingly.

That's the end of the video. Thank you, everyone!


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