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Zeng Law Group, PLLC





我们迅速给对方律师发了一封邮件,说明从头到尾都没有收到任何通知,并要求他们提供寄送邮件的证明,比如 FedEx、UPS 或者挂号信的寄送记录。如果无法提供这些证明,我们不承认10月11号的过户时间。我们在下午5:45发出了这封邮件,但对方一直没有回复。





第二个电话,我要求找到负责这个案件的律师,但对方说抄送在邮件里的三位同事都不在:两位不在办公室,另一位名叫 Nicole 的律师正在休产假。



Hello everyone,

Yesterday, something very strange happened to one of our real estate cases. Around 5 pm, we suddenly received a notice from the Sponsor attorney stating, “You are scheduled for closing on October 11th. Are you prepared?”

This notice shocked our entire real estate team because we had no prior knowledge of such an arrangement. Moreover, closing on October 11th would have severe consequences for our client, who has a mortgage. If notified today, their bank wouldn’t have enough time to adjust, putting our client at risk of default. Thus, it was critical to determine when this notice reached our office and whether it was our or the Sponsor's oversight.

My colleague and I went through our entire email history and found no record of receiving such an email. However, the Sponsor attorney claimed they had sent it. We double-checked all records but still found nothing. This turned into a major misunderstanding: Was it their fault or ours?

We quickly sent an email to the Sponsor attorney stating we had never received the notice and requested proof of email delivery, such as FedEx, UPS, or certified mail records. Without such proof, we would not acknowledge October 11th as the closing date. We sent the email at 5:45 pm, but the Sponsor side didn’t respond.

We tried calling them, but couldn’t get through. At the end of the day, we were all anxious and didn’t sleep well last night.

This morning, we finally received a new email from the Sponsor attorney, providing what they claimed to be the original closing notice sent on September 11th. Upon reviewing it, we immediately noticed an obvious issue: the email address was incorrect. Our firm’s email is “zenglawgroup,” but their email omitted the letter “g.” This explains why we never received the notice.

Later, I had another client call scheduled, so I asked my colleague to follow up with the Sponsor attorney. I made three calls:

During the first call, the person who answered was polite and said they would confirm the closing time with their client and provide us with a new date.

In the second call, I requested to speak with the attorney handling this case. However, I was informed that none of the three attorneys copied in the email chain were available: two were out of office, and the third, Nicole, was on maternity leave.

In the third call, I asked for the email address of the person answering and sent them an email to establish a written record, requesting a new closing date and confirmation from the attorney responsible for this case.

Ten minutes later, we received a new closing date, now set for October 31st.


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电话 917-810-5388


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